Friday, June 19, 2009


Yeah, yeah. TTYL and BTW and using a 2 for 'to' and 4 for 'for'. You must not text much. It IS a pain in the ass to text all that down. I never use lol.

Did you see I have a date with John-Ed on Sunday night? WEIRD.

And, Brent just dropped off the face of the planet. Oh well, another one bites the dust, I guess. He seemed very eager, so maybe he didn't like my TTYL or maybe he got hit by a bus? Maybe he's just not that into me. I'm creating a new textism for that: HJNTITY. Notice the Tity at the end. Appropriate, I think.

As for your Bob comments, yes, I know. As you can tell, however, I hesitated and didn't axe. Wouldn't it be nice to date a chef? Even if he was only making vegetables? I'm not much of a meat eater, but the kids + spinning class do make him suspicious.


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