Friday, June 26, 2009

What's wrong with you?

So, I have been out with 5 guys in two weeks and I'm noticing some common themes.

One, "fixer upper" has taken on new meaning to me. Seriously, are there any single guys left with any casual fashion sense? Most of these guys would get fashion fistbumps from the Revenge of the Nerds.

Two, I am a lot more shallow than I thought. Every single guy I have been out with has a great personality, good conversation, nice and charming and smart. My brain tells me I should get to know these guys better, but my internal chemistry litmus test says no-no-no-no-no-no. Mostly, they feel too old. It's like going out with my uncle.

Three, while I am sitting there thinking all of these guys have a LOT of baggage (all but one have been divorced, two had kids, one had a 17-year marriage and three grown kids in college), these guys clearly think something is wrong with me for not ever having been married. My date last night actually asked me what was wrong with me. He seemed particularly concerned about my dating history and wanted me to tell him exactly how long my longest relationship was and why I didn't marry anyone. I wanted to ask him if it would be better if I had been married a few times. The truth is, I couldn't care less if I ever get married. I'm in it for the relationship, not the white dress and the marriage certificate. Perhaps that is commitment-phobia, but to me it just seems like a priority system.


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