Saturday, June 20, 2009

I could be dating Yanni

Did you see that Yanni was matched with me today? Of course, it says that he is an investment bank and not a singer of sappy songs for ankle-biters, but hey, it could be him right? Except he has no hair. He seems like the real Yanni in his profile though -- everything except the part where he says he is a part-time law student student. Is he twice the student the other kids are? He's definitely twice as old as anyone I saw in law school.

Did you also see that Denny sent me questions? These are his questions & my answers:

What do you think of "Soul Mates?"
A) there is no such thing
B) each person has one soul mate, whether they find them or not
C) a person has several soul mates in a lifetime
D) through work, any person you truly love can become your soul mate
E) Wow. I really don't have a position on this. I don't like answers A, B, or C. I'm leaning toward D, but would change "any" to "a."

2. How important is it to you that your partner be accepted by your family and friends?
A) very important, I couldn't date someone without their approval
B) important, I trust my family & friends but sometimes they are wrong
C) slightly important, if they had a strong objection I might consider it
D) not important at all, their opinions would not influence me

3. How romantic are you?
A) I love lots of romance, it is a necessity for me to feel loved
B) I am romantic, but do not require it
C) I am occasionally romantic
D) I don't consider myself a romantic person
E) A, but it depends on one's definition of romance.

4. How do you feel about food?
A) I consider myself a gourmand and love to dine on elaborate meals as often as possible.
B) I just eat to live, trying to be healthy and consume little.
C) I like to eat and occasionally enjoy large meals.
D) I eat three regular meals a day without much additional thought.
E) GourMAND. What a word. I love to eat adventurously but hardly ever send anything back to the kitchen. (i.e., not fussy)

5. How often do you exercise?
A) Never
B) Once a week
C) Two or three times a week
D) Every Day
E) Between C and D. It depends on my schedule.

His questions weird me out for some reason. It's the combination. Any one of these alone would be okay, but the food question + the exercise question seems to say "I am only into macrobiotics and brown & green foods and you'd better have less than 10% body fat, or I'm not interested." He also came across as a super sappy guy, which is weird given the food and exercise question combo.

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